Chequered Skipper

The Chequered Skipper or Arctic Skipper (Carterocephalus palaemon) is a butterfly of the Hesperiidae family. This butterfly has a wingspan of 29 to 31 mm. The uppersides are a dark brown with a dusting of orange scales at the base of the wings and golden spots, giving it its English name of Chequered Skipper. The basic pattern on the underside is similar but the forewings are orange with dark spots, and the hindwings are russet with cream spots rimmed in black.

 Chequered Skipper - Image link
Chequered Skipper - Image link
Chequered Skipper - Image link
Chequered Skipper - Image link
Chequered Skipper - Image link
Chequered Skipper - Image link

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